The Team
This section tells you a little about our research team and each of the current team members ...
You can read more about our research unit here.
Professor Blake F. Dear
PhD, MClinPsych, BSocSci (Hons) Psych
Blake is a Co-Director of the eCentreClinic, a Clinical Psychologist and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Fellow. He is also on the Senior Management Team of the MindSpot Clinic. Blake has a strong interest in the development and evaluation of online psychological programs for adults with common chronic physical health conditions, increasing access to effective psychological care, and understanding how psychological treatments work and for whom they work. He is also interested in the training and development of researchers and psychologists.

Professor Nickolai Titov
PhD, MA, PGDipClinPsyc, BA
Nick Titov is a Co-Director of the eCentreClinic and Clinical Psychologist. He is also Executive Director of the MindSpot Clinic; a mental health service that provides free assessment and treatment services for adults with common mental health difficulties. He is an experienced Clinical Psychologist, who initially specialised in working with older clients and clients with neurological impairments and now specialises in treating anxiety and depression across the lifespan. Nick’s research interests include developing clinically and cost-effective treatment courses and identifying mechanisms of change in psychotherapy.

Dr Milena Gandy
PhD, DClinPsych, BA (Hons)
Milena is a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow at the eCentreClinic. She is currently supported by a MS Australia Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Milena is passionate about improving the mental health and psychological care of people living with neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and acquired brain injury. She is very interested in ways mental health care can be better integrated into neurological care. Milena is currently co-chair of an Integrated Mental Health Care Pathways Task Force of the Psychiatry Commission of the International League Against Epilepsy.

Dr Amelia Scott
PhD, MClinPsych, BPsych (Hons)
Amelia is a Macquarie University Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist at the eCentreClinic. Amelia has worked in both community and hospital settings with children and families, as well as adults. She has specific training and expertise in managing chronic pain and neurological disorders, and is particularly interested in anxiety and sleep problems. Amelia’s main interest is to improve the wellbeing and quality of life for people who suffer from chronic health conditions and persistent physical symptoms.

Dr Madelyne Bisby
PhD, MPsychol (Clin), BPsych (Hons)
Madelyne is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist at the eCentreClinic. Madelyne has worked with adolescents and families, as well as adults, across various public health settings. Her research background is in behavioural neuroscience, investigating the neural mechanisms of anxiety during adolescence. Madelyne hopes to combine her experimental and clinical psychology training to understand how and why online treatments are effective, with the long-term goal of improving treatment options and outcomes.

Dr Alana Fisher
PhD, BLibStd Int (Hons) Psych
Alana Fisher is a Macquarie University Research Fellow at the eCentreClinic, and Consumer Engagement Manager at MindSpot. Alana has a strong interest in better understanding people's decision-making and support needs around uptake and engagement with mental health treatments, including digital treatments. Alana is also very interested in the development and evaluation of interventions to help people make informed healthcare decisions, which are both evidence-based and consistent with their individual preferences, needs and priorities. With improved treatment outcomes and service delivery in mind, Alana values the importance of involving consumers, including people with lived experience of mental health concerns in research through consultation, codesign and coproduction approaches.

Associate Professor Bethany Wootton
PhD, MPsychol (Clin), GradDipSci (Psych), BA
Bethany is a Clinical Psychologist, Associate Research Fellow at the eCentreClinic, and an Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. Bethany is passionate about improving access to evidence-based psychological treatments and her research focuses on the development and implementation of remote treatments for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.

Associate Professor Lauren Staples
PhD, BA (Hons)
Lauren is a Conjoint Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences at Macquarie University, Clinical Data Manager at the MindSpot Clinic, and Research Associate at the eCentreClinic. Lauren has a keen interest in translational research that allows evidence-based treatment options to be successfully implemented in real-world health care settings, to improve outcomes for people with anxiety and associated emotional disorders.

Ms Shanika Chandra
M Psychol (Clin), BPsych (Hons)
Shanika is a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Research Officer at the eCentreClinic. Shanika has worked clinically across inpatient and outpatient settings and is experienced in providing internet-delivered psychological treatments through her prior work at the MindSpot Clinic. Shanika has specific training in managing anxiety disorders and chronic pain and is passionate about improving access to effective psychological treatment. She is pursuing a PhD at the eCentreClinic to develop an internet-delivered pain management program for women with endometriosis, with a focus on improving their quality of life and emotional wellbeing.

Dr Andreea Heriseanu
PhD, DClinPsych, BSc (Psych Hons)
Andreea is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist at the eCentreClinic. Andreea has worked in hospital, community and private settings with children, adolescents and adults. She has had training and expertise in the treatment of weight and eating disorders, and is particularly interested in the role of diet, exercise and habitual behaviour on physical and mental health, as well as in the interaction of emotional, cognitive and physical health factors in chronic health conditions.
Dr Jo Dudeney
PhD, DPsych (Clin), MPsych (Org), BAdvSc (Psych Hons)
Jo is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist at the eCentreClinic. She is specifically interested in researching the intersection between pain and mental health in youth and optimising treatment for children and adolescents with chronic pain. Jo hopes to make evidence-based chronic pain treatment more accessible to youth and their families and is working at the eCentreClinic to develop Australia’s first Internet-delivered pain management course for adolescents.